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MLK Jr. Days of Service


The annual MLK Jr. Days of Service series embodies the importance of living out the legacy of Dr. King by volunteering and supporting our community. Volunteers depart to various service sites in the Greater Knoxville area to serve, reflect on the meaning of Dr. King’s legacy, and make meaningful connections with nonprofits in our area.

Frequently Asked Questions

All MLK Jr. Days of Service shifts will be posted on ServeUTK. Please log in to view all shifts.

There are morning and afternoon shifts with 18 different community partners throughout Knoxville. We encourage students to find times that fit their schedule and sign up to serve with organizations that resonate with them!

Each event description will tell you more about the projects and organizations, but we always recommend doing research on your own to find the best opportunity for you.

It is important to check the check in location for your volunteer shift in ServeUTK to make sure you meet at the right location.

If your MLK Jr. Days of Service includes transportation (this information is included in the event description), we will meet as a group outside of room 169 in the Student Union, next to the torch statue on the first floor. Look for the JCLS check in table and be sure to check in with the JCLS staff members to be marked as attended. Please try to arrive at least 5 minutes before the start time.

If your shift does not include transportation (this information is included in the event description), volunteers are expected to meet their group 5 minutes before the start time at the address provided in the event details on ServeUTK.

It is important to check the transportation plan for your volunteer shift in ServeUTK. Please review all event details to see if your shift includes transportation.

If you sign up for a shift that includes transportation (this information is included in the event description), all volunteers will be transported to their service site by van or bus.

If the shift you signed up for does not include transportation, volunteers are expected to transport themselves to the community partner. The site address will be included in the event description as well as information about parking. If you are going with others, we recommend carpooling when possible.

Our community partners have generously agreed to host us and planned projects for a specific number of volunteers, and we want to be sure to follow through on our promised number of volunteers.

Volunteers are required to stay for the full shift to get service hour credit. If a student leaves early or arrives late, they will not get any service hours for that shift. Additionally, if a student leaves early, they will be charged a $20 no show fee.

If a community partner finishes the shift early, your hours will be verified by the full time.

For more information, please view our No Show or Cancellation Financial Fee Assessment Policy.

Please review all event details for your shift in ServeUTK, including check in location, transportation plan, what to wear, and what to bring.

You can also prepare by researching the organization where you signed up to serve to learn more about their mission and the work they do.

Volunteers should show respect and responsibility when volunteering:

  • Respect your surroundings, the supplies provided to you, and the purpose of the service
  • Stay engaged for the full volunteer shift or event.
  • Wear proper attire and check full details on ServeUTK.
  • Arrive on time.
  • If you need to cancel for an emergency, contact the Jones Center.
  • Keep a positive attitude and stay engaged.
  • Remember: You are representing UTK in your actions and words.

Please contact the JCLS if you would like to attend a shift that says registration is full. For afternoon shifts that have check in located on campus in the Student Union, we may be able to register you on site if there are no shows or cancellations if we have room on the vans.

Yes! All students who register for and attend an MLK Jr. Day of Service event will receive service hours in ServeUTK. Service hours are automatically tracked through your registration in ServeUTK by the Jones Center, so you will not need to add your own service hours/impacts for these events.

All registered volunteers will have impacts added and verified for you after checking in with the JCLS staff on the day of the event. You should not create a new impact with MLK Jr. Days of Service. All impacts that are created by students will be duplicates and will be disputed. If for some reason you don’t see an impact created for you for this event, reach out to for assistance.

If you sign up for a service slot and you are unable to attend the 2025 MLK Jr. Days of Service, please cancel your registration in ServeUTK at least 48 hours (two days) prior to your service day. Cancellations made after this date will not be accepted and students will be charged a $20 late cancellation/no show fee. If you have an emergency keeping you from attending after the cancellation deadline, please email the JCLS at

While these events are offered free of charge, failure to attend a service event without canceling online will result in a $20 charge being placed on your student account to account for expenses incurred in your absence.

Our community partners have generously agreed to host us and planned projects for a specific number of volunteers, and we want to be sure to follow through on our promised number of volunteers. For more information, please review our No Show or Cancellation Financial Fee Assessment Policy.

Unfortunately, we are only able to accommodate those with a UT NetID at this time.

Wear comfortable and warm clothing. Closed-toed shoes, long sleeves, and long pants are mandatory as a few service sites will be outside. Please also check your event details in ServeUTK, as there may be other recommendations for what to wear. You may want to represent UTK in Volunteer gear!  Please also check the weather before you arrive and dress accordingly.

Most service events will happen rain or shine, unless there are severe storms/inclement weather in the area.

In effort to practice sustainability and stay hydrated during service, bring a reusable water bottle to use at your service location.

MLK Jr. Days of Service events will continue rain or shine unless the community partner requests to cancel the event or unless there is lightning. If a shift is canceled, registered students will receive an email from ServeUTK. Please check the weather before you arrive and dress accordingly.

Any additional questions about our annual MLK Days of Service can be directed to the Jones Center for Leadership & Service staff. You can contact our office via email at, phone at 865-974-1039, or in person in our suite in the Student Union. Our office is located on the first floor of the Student Union closest to the Volunteer Blvd entrance, we are across from the auditorium and share space with the Office of Sorority & Fraternity Life.